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 04 The Mad Hatter's Angel

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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

Posts : 524
Join date : 2009-10-14
Age : 41
Location : With The Mad Hatter in Wonderland

04 The Mad Hatter's Angel Empty
PostSubject: 04 The Mad Hatter's Angel   04 The Mad Hatter's Angel Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 2:51 am

Adventures in Wonderland Cast
Alice: Elisabeth Harnois
The Mad Hatter: John Robert Hoffman
The March Hare: Reece Holland
The Red Queen: Armelia McQueen
The White Rabbit: Patrick Richwood
Tweedle Dee: Harry Waters Jr.
Tweedle Dum: Robert Barry Fleming
The Caterpillar: Wesley Mann
Voice of the Cheshire Cat: Richard Kuhlman
Voice of the Dormouse: John Lovelady
Walrus: Ken Page
The Duchess: Teri Garr

The Wonka Family
Hattie "Angel" Wonka: Me
Hattie's mother, Willow Wonka: Terri Irwin
Hattie's father, Wilbur Wonka: Gene Wilder
Hattie's older brother, Willy Wonka: Johnny Depp
Hattie's older brother, Wilmer Wonka: JD Roth

The Oblander Family
Rachelle "Rae" Oblander: Rolanda
Rachelle's mother, Hannele Oblander: Helena Bonham Carter
Rachelle's father, Grey Oblander: Gary Oldman
Rachelle's favorite aunt, Susanne Oblander: Stephanie "Stevie" Vallance
Rachelle's favorite uncle, Darsey Oblander married to Susanne: David Spade
Rachelle's aunt, Natalina Oblander: Natalia Tena
Rachelle's uncle, Denis Oblander married to Natalina: David Thewlis
Rachelle's older brother, Randell Oblander: Rob Morrow
Rachelle's older brother, Ivan Oblander: Isaac Hanson
Rachelle's older sister, Candice Oblander: Caterina Scorsone
Rachelle's twin brother, Tobias "Toby" Oblander: Taylor Hanson
Rachelle's younger brother, Zeke Oblander: Zac Hanson
Rachelle's younger sister, Albertina Oblander: Ashley Leggat
Rachelle's younger brother, Macklan Oblander: Michael Seater
Rachelle's younger brother, Diego Oblander: Daniel Magder
Rachelle's younger sister, Jaymee Oblander: Jordan Todosey
Rachelle's younger sister, Alisha Oblander: Ariel Waller
Rachelle's boyfriend, Greydan Browner: Geoff
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