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 15 Micheal Jackson: Life of a Superstar

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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

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15 Micheal Jackson: Life of a Superstar Empty
PostSubject: 15 Micheal Jackson: Life of a Superstar   15 Micheal Jackson: Life of a Superstar Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2010 1:47 am

The Main Characters
Michael Jackson: Michael Joseph Jackson
Michaela Dunham: Me

The Jackson Family
Michael's mother, Katherine Jackson: Katherine Esther Jackson
Michael's father, Joe Jackson: Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson
Michael's older sister, Rebbie Jackson: Maureen Reillette Brown (née Jackson)
Michael's older brother, Jackie Jackson: Sigmund Esco "Jackie" Jackson
Michael's older brother, Tito Jackson: Toriano Adaryll "Tito" Jackson
Michael's older brother, Jermaine Jackson: Jermaine La Jaune Jackson
Michael's older sister, LaToya Jackson: LaToya Yvonne Jackson
Michael's older brother, Marlon Jackson: Marlon David Jackson
Michael's younger brother, Randy Jackson: Steven Randall "Randy" Jackson
Michael's younger sister, Janet Jackson: Janet Damita Jo Jackson
Michael's first son, Prince Jackson: Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.
Michael's first daughter, Paris Jackson: Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Michael's second son, Blanket Jackson: Prince Michael Jackson II

The Dunham Family
Michaela's mother, Paige Dunham: Terri Irwin
Michaela's father, Jeff Dunham: Jeff Dunham
Michaela's younger sister, Bree Dunham: Christy Carlson Romano
Michaela's younger sister, Ashlyn Dunham: Ashley Tisdale
Michaela's younger sister, Kenna Dunham: Julianna Rose Mauriello
Michaela's twin sister, Michaelina Dunham: Rolanda
Michaelina's boyfriend, Michaelino Broderick: Geoff
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15 Micheal Jackson: Life of a Superstar
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