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 Recurring Nightmares/Dreams?

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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Empty
PostSubject: Recurring Nightmares/Dreams?   Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 03, 2021 4:37 pm

When i was younger i always used to have a recurring nightmare - basically i would be chased in the middle of nowhere by a massive giant boulder/ball and just as it was about to crush me i'd wake up suddenly, i used to find it so scary at the time and that was recurring for years until i was about 18 and i've never had it since.

Anyone else has recurring dreams/nightmares?
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Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring Nightmares/Dreams?   Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 10:15 pm

I had only one when I was a kid. At the time we were living in my grandparent's basement, and I had a fear of going underneath the basement stairs for some reason. I remember being afraid of this US Marines commercial that had people dressed as chess pieces, and I had a nightmare where they picked me up and took me underneath the stairs. I had this dream at least twice as a kid, now looking back I kind of laugh at it because it's such a ridiculous dream but I was 4 at the time and absolutely terrified of the most random things back then that I thought it was the creepiest dream at the time.
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
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Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring Nightmares/Dreams?   Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 11:45 am

At 4 year old though that's pretty scary though isn't it - It's amazing what things you can remember as a kid and so much you can't remember, i'm not really that old now but my memory is so bad at times yet i can remember vivid things.
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Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring Nightmares/Dreams?   Recurring Nightmares/Dreams? Icon_minitime

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