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 Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m

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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m Empty
PostSubject: Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m   Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 1:58 pm

A woman has filed two bizarre claims in Michael Jackson's estate, after declaring that he gave her the STD herpes, almost forty years ago.

The disgruntled woman says that the late King Of Pop 'ruined her life' and is demanding $10m from his estate, according to website TMZ.

Shellie Smith says that she is certain that she caught the disease from Jackson, as he was her only partner.

"In 1979, I started having sexual relations with the decadent. Shortly thereafter, I began to get blisters on my legs, face and lips. He was my only partner,' she said.

'At this time, I am unable to have a full and vibrant life due to the complications of this disease.'

But then in Smith's second claim, her facts are changed, as she alleges that she was diagnosed with 'herpes simplex' after having sex with Jackson in 1977.

'Michael knew I was getting blisters on my body, however, he continued to have sex with me,' she said.

Smith's claim is completely unrelated to a recent case, where an unnamed A-list male star was sued for $20million after a former lover was allegedly infected with herpes in Las Vegas.

And this isn't the first time Smith has filed claims against Jackson.

In January 2010, Smith's claim that she was secretly married to Jackson and was entitled to spousal support, was promptly rejected.

Smith's latest declaration comes after the deadline for filing a creditor's claim in Jackson's case has expired.

Jackson passed away at his Los Angeles home in October 2009.

Smith's claims also come after a male A-list celebrity was sued after knowingly exposed his sexual partner to the herpes virus, according to a lawsuit.

The star - who is worth in excess of $100m - is not named, but is described as having 'substantial fame internationally'.

The court documents describe how the victim - who is not named or identified as a man or a woman - met the celebrity in Las Vegas this year and has now contracted herpes.

Lawyers for the star and the victim are currently negotiating a settlement.

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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m Empty
PostSubject: Re: Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m   Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 2:03 pm

This is probably not the the best news piece to post & im sorry but this has truly angered me a bit!!

It's disgusting how this person can even say this kinda thing, especially when he is not with us anymore. There is no way Michael would do such a thing... all this is about is the money & it's sickining! ...Anyone could say what they want because he's not here to defend himself.. news like this shouldn't even hit the headlines, in fact it should be dismissed straight away... but no there even trying to reach a settlement? What the hell!

Anyway rant over - again im sorry if people have read the news article & would of preferred not too.

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Woman sues Michael Jackson's estate for $10m
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