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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Join date : 2009-08-29
Age : 34
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Location : UK, North East

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PostSubject: MEMBERS (please read)    MEMBERS (please read)  Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 4:34 pm

Okay for a long time now it seems the forum has become very unactive, and im at the point in which i think why should i bother? ...everyday myself & Billie are continously finding ways to improve the forum.

There is contests waiting to be started, topics waiting to replied to etc etc etc

I have even added 1 or 2 more catergory's up to now which you will find in the music section...

The point of this post is to try & get you members to listen & try & take more part in the forum - if you think there summit wrong with the forum, then do tell us - we're here to listen.

Also why not invite your friends/family etc?

Anyway i'd really hate to give up on this forum because no-one bother's but if its gets to that point then i really don't know!

So please take in what i have said & help us to help you bring you a better service.

Any problems myself & Billie are here.

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