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 Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst'

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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' Empty
PostSubject: Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst'   Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' Icon_minitimeMon May 02, 2011 2:01 pm

Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces just 800 yards from Pakistan’s top military academy which is seen as the equivalent of Sandhurst.

The most wanted man in the world was living in a secure compound in the town of Abbottabad, 60 miles north of the capital Islamabad.

His fortress-style property – described as “custom built to hide someone of significance” – was only a short distance from the Kakul Military Academy, which trains officers of the Pakistan army.

The academy is one of several military strongholds in the town.

His proximity to Kakul prompted questions over how much the Pakistani security services knew about his whereabouts.

It had been thought previously that bin Laden might be living in a remote cave on the Afghanistan – Pakistan border.

His death was disclosed by US President Barack Obama at 4.30am (BST), who said the al-Qaeda chief’s compound had been under surveillance since August last year.

Built in 2005, it had walls which were 12 to 18ft thick and topped with barbed wire. There were no telephone or internet services connected to the property.

US officials said bin Laden had been tracked to the house by the CIA and then elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counterterrorism unit, had struck.

They swooped on the hideout in four helicopters and during a firefight, the terrorist was shot in the head.
Bin Laden and his guards had resisted arrest, according to US officials.

Mr Obama said no Americans had been hurt in the raid, before adding: "Justice has been done.”
It is understood that bin Laden has already been buried at sea after being identified.
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

Posts : 1102
Join date : 2009-08-29
Age : 34
My Mood : Happy
Location : UK, North East

Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst'   Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' Icon_minitimeMon May 02, 2011 2:05 pm

I can see there being alot more threats from al queda now.

They may have got him but it's not gonna end the continues war....
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Osama bin Laden dead: killed yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst'
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