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 Guns N' Roses

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Guns N' Roses   Guns N' Roses Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 8:50 pm

I found my true nature! About a year ago I discovered that I am madly inlove with rock n' roll. And it's mainly the old bands from the 70s and 80s. So Guns n' Roses are my all time most favourite band! I'm absolutely inlove with them! Honestly there isn't a song of that band that i don't like. It's like discovering Michael all over again! It's very hard to put into a single style of music because they literally do everything! They have proven many times in many of their songs that they can be different and original!

They were formed in 1986 by frontman (my mad obsession) Axl Rose <3
They were very rough and hard edged in a time when there was glam rock and retro. They began a movement of rock music called hair metal and have been inspired by Aerosmith, Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. They're just so special..they've got that thing about them..they're just awesome!

Right now, the band still exists but Axl is the only original member. Slash and Duff left in 1995 and went into Velvet Revolver. Steven formed "Steven's appetite" and Izzy is just having a good time with his wife. It really hurts my heart to see Axl with that random bunch of people who call themselves GNR but there is a possibility the lineup will reunite! Damn! I wish they do!

So I've been researching them and am a newly expert in GNR Very Happy
Here's a few of my favourite songs of theirs:

Welcome to the jungle

Paradise city

and this is the old time classic that everyone loves - Sweet child o'mine

I'm staying with GNR! That's the music that keeps me alive..i hope they inspire you !
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Smooth Criminal
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PostSubject: Re: Guns N' Roses   Guns N' Roses Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 10:42 pm

Great choice of music... these are really good, i wouldn't say i knew alot about them i just like there music & i do like Axl.

All those songs posted are some of my faves, good to know there still going as i havn't heard any of there new stuff i dont think?

Will have to have a search sometime.

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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PostSubject: Re: Guns N' Roses   Guns N' Roses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 11:32 am

Yeah. Their new album Chinese Democracy came out in 2008 and but it's all some random people that keep coming and going from the band and Axl is still in search for the best musicians. Slash has said that he doesn't mind getting back together but only if all the members are the original ones. And that might be a slight problem.

I really got into them and I'm the type of person that once i like something i start researching it. And i read all those books and saw those films...i know for sure they're my favourite band =)

I really hope they get back together..Axl just seems out of his place with them new guys!
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PostSubject: Re: Guns N' Roses   Guns N' Roses Icon_minitime

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