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 Etuhu backs Michael Jackson statue at Fulham

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Etuhu backs Michael Jackson statue at Fulham Empty
PostSubject: Etuhu backs Michael Jackson statue at Fulham   Etuhu backs Michael Jackson statue at Fulham Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2011 11:26 pm

Fulham midfielder Dickson Etuhu believes club owner Mohamed Fayed should erect a statue of pop star Michael Jackson outside Craven Cottage.

Recent reports have suggested that the Egyptian businessman wants to have a figure of Jackson, his good friend, put up at the North London venue which has been met with mixed reviews.

One person who has backed the idea is Etuhu who feels that Fayed’s uniqueness makes the notion feel kind of normal.

‘When I first heard that we were erecting a statue to Michael Jackson outside Craven Cottage I thought he must have been a famous Fulham player!’ Etuhu admitted in his column for the London Evening Standard.

‘Once I realised it was for the music legend I just thought ‘wow’.

‘To people outside our club it may seem an unusual thing to do but those of us who know and love our chairman, Mohamed Fayed, are not at all surprised.

‘The players were talking about it at training yesterday, yet all thought the tribute summed him up perfectly.’
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Etuhu backs Michael Jackson statue at Fulham
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