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 Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release

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Smooth Criminal
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Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Empty
PostSubject: Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release   Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2011 11:22 pm

The musical talents of Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson were admired by millions, but no tracks of them working together were ever released. Until now.

In 1983 the pair worked on three songs; ‘State Of Shock’, ‘Victory’ and ‘There Must Be More To Life Than This.’ In 1984 ‘State of Shock’ was released, but with Mick Jagger not Michael. And ‘More to Life’ just appeared as a solo on Freddie’s 1985 album “Mr. Bad Guy.”

So fans have been left wondering what the songs could have been. But their quest for the truth may be over;

“We’re now working on some never-before-released songs that Freddy made with Michael in the early 80′s.” Queen drummer Roger Taylor told reporters this week. “I’m not allowed to say too much about it but they sound incredible!”

Roger also revealed it was Jackson who suggested the band release “Another One Bites the Dust” as a single. It went on to be Queen’s biggest hit in this country.

When Michael and Freddie worked on the songs at Michael’s house they only recorded the vocals and some piano accompaniment. Completed versions of their duets of ‘State Of Shock’ and ‘Victory’ were supposed to be released in the Spring of 2002, but that was canceled without explanation.

A 10-disc boxed set of Freddie’s work was released later that year but not even the basic versions were on it.

These were the only times the two men sang together so fans are in for a treat. Do you plan to buy the new tracks on iTunes or do you think they should not be released? Let’s hear your views…
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release   Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2011 11:23 pm

Sounds interesting.... 2 of the best singers of all time.
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release   Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2011 8:41 pm

I'm not sure about this. It sounds interesting but it's a bit bizzare that such legends' duet is not released yet. Maybe it wasn't finished or maybe they didn't want it to be released. I would love to hear them if it's a completed version .. but if it's something like 'Another Day' in the beginning when it "leaked" and wasn't even supposed to sound like that, I rather not.
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PostSubject: Re: Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release   Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release Icon_minitime

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Unheard Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury duets now set for release
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