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 Michael Jackson’s Kids Keen On Films

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Michael Jackson’s Kids Keen On Films Empty
PostSubject: Michael Jackson’s Kids Keen On Films   Michael Jackson’s Kids Keen On Films Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 4:57 pm

The legendary singer died in June last year aged 50. His official cause of death was acute Propofol intoxication by intravenous injection of another, and his personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray has been charged with his manslaughter.

Michael is survived by three children, Prince Michael, 13, Paris, 12, and eight-year-old Prince Michael II, known as ‘Blanket’. The kids are now looked after by the star’s mother Katherine Jackson, and his brother Jermaine says they are thriving.

“My mother raised nine kids, so she definitely knows how to raise them,” he explained. “They love the film business, and they love being behind the scenes. Blanket loves to dance and sing. Prince and Paris love movies. They can tell you about directors and producers and all that stuff.”

Jermaine explained the whole family are pulling together to care for the children, and help them cope with their grief. Regular dinners are set up so the kids see all their aunts and uncles, and they also get taken on lots of holidays. The trio spent the first anniversary of Michael’s death, on June 25, in Hawaii.

Prince, Paris and Blanket love being with their cousins, and relax by playing video games and going to see animated films.

Jermaine was speaking at a dinner celebrating the fifth annual Children Uniting Nations conference in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, and his brother Randy was also there. Randy echoed Jermaine’s sentiment that Katherine is looking after the kids well.

“I feel Michael everywhere,” he told People magazine. “I know Michael's spirit is so much alive. He's guiding me ... us to just keep things going and keep things the way they're supposed to be.”
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