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 Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch to become a park

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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch to become a park Empty
PostSubject: Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch to become a park   Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch to become a park Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 4:56 pm

King of Pop Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch could well be on it's way to become a memorial park, after a legislator put forward proposals to make the site open to the public. The late 'Bad' hitmaker, who died of acute Propofol intoxication in June last year hadn't lived here since he was cleared
of child molestation charges in 2005, and handed over the estate to Colony Capital LLC, a private equity firm, amid financial worries in 2008, Femalefirst reoported.

But now, California state assembly member Mike Davis has proposed to apply to the State Senate for backing to turn the site into a Michael Jackson-style Graceland as the property partly owned by the Jackson estate, is in a dormant state right now.

Jackson penned many of his greatest hits at Neverland, complete with zoo and Ferris wheel and entertained hundreds of children with parties
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Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch to become a park
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