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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: War   War Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 5:50 pm

Today in school we talked about war in general. Is it wrong or it's sometimes necessary. So I wanted to see what you guys think. Is war ever right?
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: War   War Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 5:54 pm

When asked this question I said that to me war is a conflict and two or more different opinions. If countries start wars for the sake of winning and making their opinion over the rest then to me that is stupid. At the end it takes you right back at the beginning. Just because a country is stronger and wins the war doesn't mean that this country is the right one. Sometimes the strongest isn't the right. There will always be another war as there are a lot of disagreements. Should it always cost so many lives?
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PostSubject: Re: War   War Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 5:28 am

I completely agree with you Billie queen. Human life is the most precious thing in the world. It's easily taken but it can't be returned. It seems to me that wars work like natural selection with which "might is always right". The strongest, cleverest, quickest species wins. This is the Law of Nature. And it is often rather cruel. I think we, the Humans must interfere with this law and "let mercy come". Otherwise everything including Nature will be destroyed. We are special I mean we have strong feelings like love and compassion and its our destination to settle this problem in a peaceful way.

You know Russians suffered a lot from wars. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was the most devastating! We still celebrate Victory Day on the 9th of May. But less and less veterans come to the celebrations and contemporary generation knows little about their greatest sacrifice for the sake of our future. I'm afraid we start to forget about all those terrors of war. Parents buy their children toys like tanks, guns and pistols, there are neo-fascists in many countries. We must stop this to survive.
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PostSubject: Re: War   War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 12:57 am

I agree with what you both have said... i do think the war is unecessary, disagreements should be solved in a decent, peaceful way like EI said... it shouldnt cost so many people's lives it's tottaly heartbreakin for all those families who are suffering because they have lost a loved one in the war... i really don't know what else to say as i myself really don't think there should be any war at all and i myself am not a war sort of person i hate any kinda conflict it really scares me i prefer to settle things peacfully & in a adult way which is how things like the war should be settled but i doubt that's ever gonna happen.
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PostSubject: Re: War   War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 7:23 am

its a tough topic, i disagree with any form of war...it shouldn't happen but it does and there will be very little anyone can do about...mainly due to the reasons behind any war, as offen its not plainly about another country gaining power over another.
Other factors come into it ie. wealth (oil) or religion, which i believe is one of the main causes to most wars.
The world war religion came into it, via the Germans and Hilter being against Jews....
the current war is also in some aspect to do with religion...alot of people will disagree with me on that one and say its a war against terrorist..but the reason behind the terrorist attacks have been religious based by a hand full of extremists, claiming they are doing the attacks in the name of Islam.

You can even go back as far as the Crusades during King John's time...that was also over religion where the Christians were the main religion involved.

This where i stand very firmly by my view and not following a religion, in my view they bring nothing but stuffering to people, and that if there were no religions the world be a better place to actually live.
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PostSubject: Re: War   War Icon_minitime

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