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 An Advertising Campaign

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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PostSubject: An Advertising Campaign   An Advertising Campaign Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 12:57 pm

I have got an idea about a big advertising campaign! Actually there are a few ideas I have in mind!I though things will work out with the changes around here. I loved it in December and January - everyone was on. I'm thinking about doing something new!

Step 1 - Video:
There are some videos of the forum on youtube that are a bit old. I'm thinking about a new one which shows all the different themes we've had and says something like "The forum keeps everyone entertained and keeps changing! An amazing place to be!" Each one of us who has an youtube account needs to post it so a lot of members see it. We are a really massive community on there and everytime I send a video or something people just start writing comments and all that so I'm sire people will pay some attention to them. I am not good at making videos so I don't think I'll do a very good job but if someone can do them just to let you know I've got screen shots of every theme we've had from March to now.

Step 2 - Posters:
I will make some online posters advertising the forum and will send them to my friends on youtube. Each of us can do so! If a video can blow off so many subscriptions I'm sure a poster can do so too.

Step 3 - E-mails:
The admins can send e-mails to every single member of the forum and can include a copy of the posters, something saying "Please return, we've been working on a lot of new things and now they are ready for you!"
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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Smooth Criminal

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PostSubject: Re: An Advertising Campaign   An Advertising Campaign Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 1:40 pm

I love these ideas...

I will certainly make an updated video for the forum if you can send me those screenshots of the different theme's we've had - that would be great....

I will also advertise with online poster's - if everyone does this like Billie has said, im sure the forum will become more active.

And for the last bit obviously we can do that.... if there is aparticular poster you make that you want us to use Billie we will use that to send out to all member's.

Anyway great idea's Billie... soon as you have sent me the screenshots of the different theme's i can start on the video...


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