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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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Join date : 2009-10-26
Age : 28
My Mood : On edge
Location : Paradise City

Emergency!!! Empty
PostSubject: Emergency!!!   Emergency!!! Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 8:20 pm

Oh my God people! I just realised something that my friend showed me few months ago! We discovered it together. It's about some people called illuminati who really did kill Michael. There are a few 10 minute long clips on youtube made by a person who's been studying them for a long time. At the beginning I didn't believe that and said "Sorry that's just not my thing, I don't believe this." But gradually everything fitted and matched completely and now I tell you this is the truth.
I think that you can trust me and even though it looks boring or whatever please please please make sure to watch them videos!!! The videos are limited and those people use their connections to take them off the internet please watch them as fast as you can and comment on what you think even if you believe or not!