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 michael jackson .... alive???!!!

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michael jackson .... alive???!!! Empty
PostSubject: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 9:24 pm

well, i have been to youtube much as well as facebook. and i found there alot of mj related things. from fans on facebook, to mj tribution videos on youtube, to mj haters and hate videos on facebook and youtube, and fans and haters groups. but the most annoying thing i saw was that there is some people on facebook that pretend to be Michael, and 9 parts video that shows evidences that he is alive!!!

ofcorse, i dont believe it, but the worst part is that so many fans, are believing it and that is really annoying.

so if u had seen any videos of those on youtube it will convince u somehow that he is still alive, but we should not believe it.

so did anyone find this sort of things anywhere??? and if so, do u really beleve it or not??
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PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 10:00 am

Rumours sweeping the internet say that Jacko’s death last June was all part of this complex charade.

And his eager fans are clinging onto the hope that the Thriller singer has morphed into Dave Dave – a man famous in America for being a burns victim at the age of 6 after being burnt by his father when a custody battle hit sick depths.

Dave Dave isn’t doing anything to quash the speculation either, even having posted controversial snaps of himself laying in a coffin on his MySpace page reminiscent of the Thriller video.

MORE: Top 5 celebrity death conspiracy theories

One determined forum member, from a site claiming Jacko’s death was a hoax, said: ‘There's no doubt Michael Jackson is still alive. We have the evidence, now we want to let everyone know.’

The controversial frenzy was sparked when the fake MJ, real name David Rothenberg, appeared on Larry King Live to talk about his friendship with the King himself.

Years after Dave suffered the burns, his mother wrote a book about his traumatic ordeal and organised a trip to Jackson's Neverland ranch where the pair then formed a solid friendship.

Fans have gone as far as to compare Michael Jackson against Mr Rothenberg from the evidence in the Larry King YouTube video.

They say he has the same high-ptiched voice, the scarring would be the ‘perfect cover’ for MJ's infamous plastic surgery scars and that he’s even changed his eye colour to match.

However, last night the Jackson’s family lawyer told The Sun: ‘Michael was so remarkable, people find it difficult to believe he is no longer with us.’
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PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 3:17 pm

ya..... its just too hard for fans to beleve it so they started creating rumors around
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michael jackson .... alive???!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 4:20 pm

He's dead & although we all wish he wasn't the awful fact is that he is dead, i think it's ridiculous how people listen to these sort of rumours when all the facts have been stated... it was all in the paper, there was footage of the ambulance not only this i highly doubt his family would stage all there tears at the memorial & such as well other stuff...

I suppose it's true it's just people tryin to believe he's still alive... but i think if you think like that it takes over your life... why not just deal with the fact he's dead & listen to his music.. read books & Dvd's related to him to remember him... it's will make you feel much better.
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michael jackson .... alive???!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 7:33 pm

ya thats my opinion too, the fact is that he is dead.... the problem is people r beleving it, more than 3000 of my friends on facebook do..... its really annoying cose internet those days is everything and anything on it people will beleve it

i hope they open their eyes properly and see the truth and stop hoping for somthing that will never be....
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michael jackson .... alive???!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 6:38 am

Its alright getting annoyed but its not just with MJ that people have believed is still alive, look at how many years its been since Elvis died and you still get fans believeing he's still alive.
Its not for anyone of us to decide what other people believe etc...its purely a case of if you don't like something then don't read it.
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PostSubject: Re: michael jackson .... alive???!!!   michael jackson .... alive???!!! Icon_minitime

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