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 Michael Jackson Pop quiz.

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3 posters
Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 10:51 pm

Okay just a nice MJ quiz for all you fans out there, the 1st person to answer them all correctly or answer the most correctly will win the 200 tokens....

Here's we go:

1. finish the sentence: annie.....
2. what was Michael biggest hit song?
3. what award show did Michael Jackson honored James Brown?
4. what was Michael's monkey name?
5. what video did iman and eddie murphy starred in?
6. what is Michael's full name?
7. who did Michael marry (1994-1996)
8. when and where was Michael born?
9. What was Michael's favourite song?

Last edited by Smooth Criminal on Sun May 16, 2010 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

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Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 12:58 am

1. annie are you ok?
2. Billie Jean
3. BET award show
4. Bubbles
5. Remember the Time
6. Michael Joseph Jackson
7. Lisa Marie Presley
8. August 29, 1958 in Gary Indiana
9. Smile
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 12:44 pm

Thanks for takin part... i will wait to see if anyone else takes part then reveal who won.

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 3:22 pm

1. Annie are you ok? So Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
2. Billie Jean
3. 2003 BET Award - Lifetime achievement
4. Bubbles
5. Remember the Time
6. Michael Joseph Jackson
7. Lisa Marie Presley
8. 29 August 1958 - Gary, Indiana
9. Smile
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul
Smooth Criminal

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Location : UK, North East

Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 9:49 pm

Thanks for takin part both of you....

Both of you got all the answers correct... but obviously Jeff Dunhams Wife got them 1st so she get's the 200 tokens....

Although i am gonna award Billie with 80 tokens for gettin them all correct also.

Thanks again for takin part folks.

Hopefully they will be another contest soon.

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Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson Pop quiz.   Michael Jackson Pop quiz. Icon_minitime

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