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 Snooker Star Higgins Suspended Over Sting

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Snooker Star Higgins Suspended Over Sting Empty
PostSubject: Snooker Star Higgins Suspended Over Sting   Snooker Star Higgins Suspended Over Sting Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 1:52 pm

World snooker champion John Higgins has said he feared for his safety during a meeting where he allegedly offered to fix frames for cash.

The sport's number one player has been suspended from professional tournaments pending an investigation into the claims.

Snooker chief Barry Hearn confirmed the suspension and the resignation of Higgins' manager, Pat Mooney, from the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) board.

The News of the World claimed Higgins and Mooney offered to submit to bribes from undercover reporters in Kiev, Ukraine, in exchange for almost £300,000 in kickbacks.

The paper has published covert camera footage of the pair apparently negotiating how to throw four frames in separate high-profile World Series tournaments.

After the story emerged, the player gave his account of the events, claiming he thought he was speaking to the Russian mafia and "played along with them".

He said he "became very worried about the way the conversation developed in Kiev".

He added: "I didn't know if this was the Russian Mafia or who we were dealing with - at this state I felt the best course of action was to play along with these guys and get out of Russia [sic].

"Those who know me are aware of my love for snooker and that I would never do anything to damage the integrity of the sport I love."

He continued: "Those who know me know of my love for snooker... my conscience is 100% clear."

According to the paper, Higgins, who has just suffered a shock tournament defeat, travelled to Ukraine last week and met undercover reporters.
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