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 The Waco Kid's Cowgirl

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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

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The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Empty
PostSubject: The Waco Kid's Cowgirl   The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 11:12 pm

The Main Cast
Jim, The Waco Kid: Gene Wilder
Jimmeka Dyamantyna: Me

The Dyamantyna Family
Jimmeka's mother, Jimicia Dyamantyna: Terri Irwin
Jimmeka's father, Jimmy Dyamantyna: Johnny Depp
Jimmeka's younger sister, Jimaria Dyamantyna: Julianna Rose Mauriello
Jimmeka's younger sister, Jimaria's twin sister, Jimella Dyamantyna: Julianna Rose Mauriello
Jimmeka's younger sister, Jimia Dyamantyna: Ashley Tisdale
Jimmeka's younger sister, Jimia's twin sister, Jimmet Dyamantyna: Ashley Tisdale
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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

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The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Waco Kid's Cowgirl   The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 11:12 pm

Chapter 1
Meeting The Waco Kid

One day in the year 1874 a beautiful young cowgirl named Jimmeka Dyamantyna just moved to a small town called Rock Ridge. First she met the Sheriff of Rock Ridge whose name was Bart and who was also black.
BART: What's your name, miss?
JIMMEKA: Jimmeka Dyamantyna.
BART: I'm Sheriff Bart of Rock Ridge. Are you new in town?
JIMMEKA: Yes, yes I am.
BART: Well I hope you enjoy your stay here in Rock Ridge.
JIMMEKA: Thank you, Sheriff, I will.
After that Sheriff Bart left and Jimmeka was with her family at the town saloon.
JIMICIA: Baby girl, who was that guy you were talking to earlier?
JIMMEKA: That was the Sheriff of Rock Ridge named Bart.
JIMMY: But he's black.
JIMMEKA: Father, just because he's black doesn't mean I shouldn't talk to him. Besides he is the Sheriff.
JIMMY: Well I guess you're right about that.
All of a sudden Jimmeka saw someone walk into the saloon which just so happens to be Jim aka The Waco Kid and she thought that he was the most gorgeous and sexiest cowboy that she has ever seen.
JIMMEKA: Who is that?
JIMARIA: Who is who, Jimmeka?
JIMMEKA: That cowboy that just walked in?
JIMELLA: I don't know who he is.
JIMIA: Neither do I.
JIMMET: Why do you want to know who he is?
JIMMEKA: I just want to know that's all.
JIMELLA: I know why you want to meet him.
JIMMEKA: Why is that, Jimella?
JIMELLA: You're in love with him aren't you?
JIMMEKA: *scoffs* No I'm not.
JIMARIA: Yes you are.
JIMMEKA: I am not.
JIMIA: Just admit it, you are in love with him.
JIMMEKA: What makes you so sure that I am?
JIMMET: It's probably the way you're always looking at him.
JIMELLA: Yeah especially when he first walked in.
JIMMEKA: What is it that obvious?
JIMMELLA: Why don't you go over there and say hi?
JIMMEKA: I can't.
JIMARIA: Don't look now but he is walking this way.
Jimmeka look over and she saw him walking towards her.
JIM: Excuse me, but are you new in town.
JIMMEKA: Yes, yes I am.
JIM: What's your name?
JIMMEKA: Jimmeka Dyamontyna.
JIM: That's a very pretty name.
JIMMEKA: Thank you. What's your name?
JIM: Jim, but my friends call me Jim.
JIMMEKA: It's nice to meet you, Jim.
JIM: Who are these people?
JIMMEKA: These four are my younger sisters. (pointing to Jimella and Jimaria) This is Jimella and her twin sister Jimaria. (pointing to Jimia and Jimmet) This is Jimia and her twin sister Jimmet. (pointing to her parents) This is my mom, Jimicia and my dad, Jimmy.
JIM: It's nice to meet all of you.
THE DYAMONTYNA FAMILY: Nice to meet you too.
JIM: Jimmeka how would you like me to show you around Rock Ridge?
Jimmeka looks at her parents and they nodded their heads yes.
JIMMEKA: I would love that Jim.
A few minutes later Jim was showing Jimmeka around Rock Ridge.
JIMMEKA (thinking): He is the most sexiest cowboy that I have ever seen.
JIM: So Jimmeka what brings you to Rock Ridge?
JIMMEKA: Well we wanted to get out of our old town which I really don't want to talk about the reason why.
JIM: Oh ok. Well I'm glad you decided to come here.
JIMMEKA: Why is that, Jim?
JIM: Oh, I rather not say right now.
JIMMEKA: Oh ok. That's quite alright.
JIM (thinking): I can't tell her why I'm glad she's here or else it will blow my secret. I just can't tell her that I'm in love with her just yet. I don't know if she feels the same way about me.
JIMMEKA (thinking): Man, I so want to kiss him right now, but then I'll blow my secret.
Jimmeka was giving Jim a look that is saying that "I'm in love with you," but he doesn't know that's why she's looking at him.
JIM: Don't look at me like that?
JIMMEKA: Oh ok, I'm sorry.
JIM: Just make sure that never happens again.
JIMMEKA (with a sad look in her eyes): I promise.
JIM: I'm sorry I just didn't like the way you were looking at me.
JIMMEKA: That's ok.
Just then Jim and Jimmeka started singing a song in their minds
JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before

JIM (singing in his mind): She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No it can't be
I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before

JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

JIM (singing in his mind): Well, who'd have thought?

JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): Well, bless my soul

JIM (singing in his mind): Well, who'd have known?

JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): Well, who indeed?

JIM (singing in his mind): And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?

JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): It's so peculiar

BOTH (singing in their mind): We'll wait and see
A few days more
There may be something there that wasn't there before

JIM (singing in his mind): You know, perhaps there's something there
That wasn't there before

JIMMEKA (singing in her mind): There may be something there that wasn't there before.
Later that night Jim was in his bed dreaming about Jimmeka. Jimmeka was in her bed dreaming about Jim.
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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

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The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Waco Kid's Cowgirl   The Waco Kid's Cowgirl Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 1:30 am

Chapter 2
Jim Rescues Jimmeka

The next day Jimmeka was walking through the town when all of a sudden three guys came up to her.
THE FIRST GUY: What's your name, beautiful?
JIMMEKA: Jimmeka Dyamantyna. What's your name?
THE FIRST GUY: Hedley Lamarr.
JIMMEKA: Who are your friends, Hedy?
HEDLEY: That's Hedley.
JIMMEKA: Oh, sorry. No need to snap.
HEDLEY: This is Taggart and this is Lyle.
JIMMEKA: Nice to meet you guys, but I am meeting someone a few minutes.
LYLE: Forget him, why not go out with me.
JIMMEKA: Lyle, I'm sorry, but I can't.
LYLE: Why not?
JIMMEKA: Well, you're cute and all, but you're just not my type.
TAGGART: How about me?
JIMMEKA: What about you?
TAGGART: How would you like to go out with me?
JIMMEKA: Yeah, right, in your dreams, bucko.
HEDLEY: Then why not go out with me?
JIMMEKA: No, I don't think so.
The three continued asking her to go out with them. Just then she noticed Jim coming out of the saloon where she was to meet him. The three guys continued to harass her.
JIMMEKA: Guys stop. My heart is committed to someone else.
HEDLEY: Who might that be?
JIMMEKA: I'm not telling you, besides he doesn't know how I feel about him.
LYLE: Like I said before forget him and be my girl.
They continued to harass her again. Just then Jim noticed and was getting very angry.
JIMMEKA: Don't make me do this.
HEDLEY: Do what?
JIMMEKA: This. (then she yelled out to Jim to help her) JIM HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim came running over to help her.
JIM: Leave her alone or else.
TAGGART: Or else what.
JIM: Just remember who you're dealing with.
LYLE: Who might that be?
JIM: The Waco Kid.
JIMMEKA: The Waco Kid? I heard he had the fastest hands in the west.
JIM: In the world.
HEDLEY: What exactly are you going to do?
Before they knew it Jim had Jimmeka in his arms.
LYLE: How the hell did you do that?
JIM: I told you that I was The Waco Kid.
JIMMEKA (as she gave Jim a passionate hug): Thank you, Jim, thank you for saving me from those punks.
JIM: You're welcome.
A few minutes later Jim and Jimmeka were in the saloon.
JIM: So, Jimmeka why were they harassing you like that?
JIMMEKA: They wanted me to go out with him, but I told them that I didn't want to.
JIM: Why did you turn them down?
JIMMEKA: I told them that my heart was committed to someone else.
JIM (with a sad look in his eyes but he didn't let Jimmeka see that sad look): Oh, I see. Who is he?
JIMMEKA: I rather not say right now.
Later that night Jimmeka was in her bed dreaming about Jim. Jim was in his bed dreaming that he was the one Jimmeka's heart is committed too.
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