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 Aguilera feels insecure

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Aguilera feels insecure Empty
PostSubject: Aguilera feels insecure   Aguilera feels insecure Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 2:41 pm

MOST mums mop up sick and change nappies.
But CHRISTINA AGUILERA says she feels sexier than ever since giving birth to baby MAX in 2008.

She said: "I've grown so much. He's brought out a more playful side of myself. I feel more comfortable in my own skin then I ever have before.

"I'm more confident - that comes with age. And going through that whole growing cycle of being a mum where with age, I now know exactly what I want and a better understanding of exactly how to get it.

"And I feel sexier than I ever have also."
Christina told GMTV: "It makes you appreciate your body in ways you never knew existed prior.

"And it's a comfort level that you have with your body. You know, maturity, and having wisdom and the knowledge that you didn't have in your early twenties."

But despite her confidence, AKON reckons Christina is insecure over her chart rivalry with LADY GAGA.

He said: "She always had her cool little look and way about how she went about things.

"But soon as GaGa came out... Christina stepped out of her own shell to become something different."

The rapper added: "I just think she needs to believe in herself more. I think sometimes she gets insecure because of all of the success GaGa has had, not realising she was already successful before GaGa came out.

"I miss the old Christina Aguilera. I like the old one better than the new one."

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What do you think is Lady Gaga copying Christina?
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