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 Jack Tweed to face rape trial

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Jack Tweed to face rape trial Empty
PostSubject: Jack Tweed to face rape trial   Jack Tweed to face rape trial Icon_minitimeTue Apr 13, 2010 9:49 am

The widower of reality TV star Jade Goody raped a shy teenager after pestering her for a threesome after a night out, a court heard.

Jack Tweed attacked the then-19-year-old while his friend Anthony Davis held the bedroom door shut and told him: "Do what you've got to do", Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London heard.

Tweed, a 22-year-old club promoter, denies attacking the young woman in the early hours of September 4 last year.

Linda Strudwick, prosecuting, said the alleged victim and her friends went to Tweed's house in Brandesbury Square, Repton Park, Woodford Green, east London, after a night out at the Embassy club in Mayfair.

The woman was shy and "made it plain to both defendants that she was not interested in them sexually", Ms Strudwick said.

But Davis pushed her into a bedroom and called for Tweed to join him, the court was told.

Ms Strudwick went on: "They knew, the Crown say, that she was frightened and did not want to be alone with them.

"Anthony Davis held the door shut, saying to Jack Tweed 'Don't worry, Jack, I've got the door, do what you've got to do'."

The court heard at first the young woman thought they were just "lads being lads" but as she realised what was happening she became "frozen with fear".

Tweed denies two counts of rape while Davis denies one count of the same charge. Both defendants are on bail.
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Jack Tweed to face rape trial Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack Tweed to face rape trial   Jack Tweed to face rape trial Icon_minitimeTue Apr 13, 2010 9:50 am

how many times can this guy get away with rape charges...sorry but this about the 3rd time i've read him being charged with rape...so why the hell is he not rotting in a jail cell somewhere
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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Jack Tweed to face rape trial Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack Tweed to face rape trial   Jack Tweed to face rape trial Icon_minitimeTue Apr 13, 2010 2:16 pm

Wouldn't of thought Jade only died a year ago - he doesn't care.

I think he will probably get away with this one as well, i don't know how he has escaped jail so much, he's disgustin - he's been acused plenty of times of this & still no justice is brought.
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Jack Tweed to face rape trial
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