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 One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25

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One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25 Empty
PostSubject: One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25   One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 2:55 pm

Posted on another forum, i'd thought i'd post here.... (Credit to: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=89864)

Since his passing, the breadth and depth of Jackson's fans' loyalty has become obvious. In the weeks and months after his death, Facebook groups dedicated to the King of
Pop exploded in number.

Recently, a Facebook group called "One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle On June 25, 2010" has made quite a mark. While it is still far away from its goal, the group is making fast progress towards its goal of attracting one million fans of the late King of Pop to sign up and pledge to light a candle at the same time on June 25, 2010.

The group was created to serve as a catalyst for a big global tribute. As time goes on, however, it is becoming apparent that the group doesn't need a catalyst. It is merely a meeting place for Michael Jackson fans yearning for an opportunity to join others and pay tribute to him in a big time way.

To date, the group of "One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle On June 25, 2010" has only about 8,000 members. But then, that is only about two weeks after being created. While it is difficult to gauge exactly how many Michael Jackson groups have more members than this one, it clearly is one of the fastest growing groups on Facebook over the past several months.

The official Michael Jackson group on Facebook has over eleven million members. While this new group will never get close to that number by June 25, 2010, it certainly is making its mark when it comes to attracting a large number o f fans in a short amount of time.

If this group is successful in its mission to attract one million fans before June 25, 2010, it will be easily one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing Facebook group of all time. And while it has its cut out for it to do so, the power of the Michael Jackson fan base is not easily ignored.

Group link: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/...3178680&ref=ts

Certainly, there will be far more than one million people paying homage to Michael Jackson on June 25, 2010. But between then and now, we will see how many will band together by
joining the Facebook group, "One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle On June 25, 2010".
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25 Empty
PostSubject: Re: One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25   One Million MJ Fans Pledged to Light a Candle on June 25 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 10:17 pm

I will definetely light a candle and do even more than that on June 25! That's the worst day of all time - I would of loved if we just skipped it and jump straight onto the next day! Just so much bad memories don't even wanna remember!

Btw that link doesn't work for me - and I can't even find the group on facebook!
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