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 Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'

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Smooth Criminal
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PostSubject: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 8:39 pm

The syringe that allegedly administered a fatal dose of drugs to Michael Jackson is reportedly set to go on sale for $5 million (£3.3m) in Las Vegas.

The needle is believed to have been obtained secretly and is apparently being offered around Las Vegas auction houses.

Michael Jackson's family are said to have been informed by lawyers representing the unnamed seller and are reportedly desperate to stop the sale

The bizarre artefact could go under the hammer on June 25 – the first anniversary of the singer's death in Los Angeles.

His personal doctor, Conrad Murray, 57, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter after allegedly administering drugs such as Valium, lorazepam and propofol to the troubled star.

An autopsy found that Jackson died from "lethal levels" of propofol, a powerful anaesthetic. The syringe set to go on sale is said to be the one used to administer the fatal dose.

A source told The Mirror: "This is one of the sickest lots ever put up. The syringe is no longer needed in the inquest or in murray's forthcoming trial but the moral implications don't bear thinking about.

"The guy who has possession of the needle has been in meetings with his legal team, making sure it is legitimate and his to sell. The plan is to flog it for up to $5 million in a big Vegas casino but he's been told he may have to sell it somewhere that doesn't have 'reciprocal legal agreements with the United States', such as Brazil or even Libya.

"The validity of the sale is a matter of interpretation, dependent on whether the DA believes a crime has even been committed. Rumours are leaking thick and fast and the Jackson family are aware of the auction plan.

"They are furious and incensed that someone is yet again trying to profit from him. It's an incredibly distressing time for them."

Dr Conrad Murray denies the manslaughter charges and will go on trial later this year.
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 8:40 pm

I found this quite bizarre.... as why the hell would someone want a syringe that was the cause of his death? espicially a fan.

Let's hope his family stop it from goin on sale....
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PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 8:46 pm

surely it should be in the hands of the police...
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 8:46 pm

"..." is all I have to say. My, this is sad, especially given the town was in the US, giving more reasons to call us all morons :/ Oh joy -.-
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeWed Mar 17, 2010 1:12 pm

This is how to fail on making money. Who the hell is gonna buy a drug that killed michael jackson.
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeWed Mar 17, 2010 4:48 pm

I fully agree with this statement "They are furious and incensed that someone is yet again trying to profit from him. It's an incredibly distressing time for them."

This thing shouldn't be in the police, if i had it i would break it, spit on it, and jump over it until it's all dust! Can't stand it anymore - I'm sick of them all!
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeThu Mar 18, 2010 7:09 pm

I completely agree that the thing reminding of this tragedy must be destroyed. It's so disgusting when people try to make money even of things like this.
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Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale'   Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 2:32 am

I just dont know what to say. I cant believe someone wants to do that. if they wanted money why dont they do it the way normal people earn it?? like getting a job. I know that i would NEVER want somthing that killed anyone!! not even the king of pop. it is just terrifying thinking about some one who is doing this ilmj
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