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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:13 pm

Does anyone believe in ghosts? Has anyone seen or know someone that has seen a ghost?

Share your experiences here....
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:51 pm

I know how this would sound! But yes, i do believe in ghosts! This is the one thing that I do believe in and I'm crazy to actually believe in it but I can't help it! It's very interesting to me! I love ghosts! I think they're around us - I don't know for what reason but I know they're here! There was a wonderfull movie about that and it's very realistic! It's called "Ghost Whisperer" You might have seen it! I love this movie - one of my favourites! It could really convince you - ghosts do exist!
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:55 pm

Ghost Whisperer as in a movie? I love Ghost Whisperer the series not sure there is a movie? maybe you mean the series... about a girl called Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) who has the gift of seeing ghosts...

It does make you wonder though...
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:58 pm

Yeah, that's the one! I love that series! It matches my interests completely!
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 11, 2010 10:11 am

i 100% believe in ghosts, and a few run in's with one...i've seen so many things happen that are impossible.

My mum use to run a newsagents and i use to help out...well me and a bloke that worked there were working on changing a light bulb...took the old one out slipped out of his fingers as he went to pass it me..laws of gravity would say it should of hit the floor and smashed...it ended up on a shelf to the side of us.

i also ended with my hands being cut while just having them rested on the shop counter no doing anything.

bin lids being thrown across the store room.

also the house i use to live in was haunted, also saw someone stood at the bottom on the stairs, found out a few years afterwards that many years ago someone was murdered in one of the houses down that street at the bottom of the stairs.

my grans old house in Lincoln also haunted and your looking at houses that pre-date the world wars around there.

i never stand on graves, lincoln catherial(sp?) has grave/tomb stones within the floors i'll not stand on them i'll tiptoe along the edges than stand on one...i don't care how stupid i look when i do it, i lived in that city for too long and seen to many unexplained things to stand on one and also out of respect, that includes the graves in the "lucy tower" of lincoln castle...the tower is a ver odd place its grave yard of the prisoners who her hung during the time that hanging were done within the castle.
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 11, 2010 11:33 am

Thats quite an experience you've had there Steph.

I think it's hard to understand until you've actually been in contact with one yourself which i havnt... i sometimes wish i could see ghosts but yeah im guessin it wouldn't all be a good thing, i'd probably be hidin under my duvet most the time lol.

The light bulb endin up on the shelf beside you is really weird... but also proves there is ghosts...

Pretty scary stuff there... don't think my heart would take it to be honest lol
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 11, 2010 11:43 am

i got use to it....i don't get bothered by things like that not anymore...fair enough still make me jump when something happens....
my mums dog can sense the one in her house when its about and will not go down in the cellar at all.
the scariest one was my hands being cut...that was abit of a scary moment Greg who worked for my mum saw it happen aswell...and pretty much screamed for my mum to come and look...needless to say i never stayed anywhere in that shop on my own. lol
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2010 5:09 am

My nina used to hear a real knocking sound at her door after her mom died. Every single night at 3 AM. It's so creepy o.o
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2010 4:56 pm

i believe and some interesting stories here. i encountered an uneasy night about a year ago. the light was turned of and i was in bed, i yellow bright light appeared and grew into somthing that looked like... umm. a walking tree. it was walking with roots and branches were its hands. a logger's chainsaw cut it down. it withered and fell asleep that instant. i woke up about two hours later and a butterfly was in my room. a giant, multicolured butterfly. then extermination gas filled my room and the butterfly died. when i woke up and went to school, we were learning about global warming and things that destroy nature. coincidence? i dont think so. i got so scared i converted from catholic to wiccan (nature following witch). and to this day i seem to get A dream of a happy world with the tree and butterfly once or twice a month. well idunno... i guess it might of been an ancestor who was a wiccan who made those dreams.
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 3:22 am

okayy so this is weird...on the day of mj's memorial, i woke up at 4am and went to my living room cause i wuz qna qo wake up my aunt downstairs so we can see thee live mj updates on thee news....well wen i went to the living room, for some reason i looked at one of my couches and i saw a body laying there.....stranqely it looked like mj...the long black hair, a white long-sleeved shirt, his black pants, his white socks and his fancy shoes....exactly likee the clothes he was wearing in the video ghost...i stood there asking the body who it was and it didnt answer so i went to my mom's room and told her taht there was a man in our living room...she went to qo c and there was nothing, it was qone....i was shocked biqq timee...i was nervous and scared at the samee timee...i didnt kno wuht to do...my aunt heard me and my mom tlking abt wuht i saw and she and my mom thouqht i was crazy...but my life wasnt the samee for 2 weeks....i watched thee memorial and cried of course but i had thee feeling something was watchinqq me...i could not sleep for 2 whole weeks!...well i slept but only like 4-5 hours every day....could it have been him????? eht was weird... Shocked

and ive also heard noises but those are different stories..
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PostSubject: Re: Ghosts...   Ghosts... Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 11:47 am

That experience sounds rather spooky! ...maybe it was him? stranger things have happened... but again a very interesting scenario... very spooky.!

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