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 Corey Haim

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PostSubject: Corey Haim   Corey Haim Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 4:09 pm

Toronto-born actor Corey Haim, who appeared in such 1980s films as "The Lost Boys" and "Lucas" has been found dead, according to Los Angeles police. He was 38.

Haim was found dead at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday of an apparent accidental drug overdose according to the LAPD, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The Los Angeles coroner's office said Haim died early in the day at a Burbank hospital.

According to earlier reports, he was initially found unresponsive at an Oakwood apartment.

An autopsy has not yet been performed and there is no official cause of death, but police said there is no evidence of foul play.

Sgt. William Mann told The Associated Press that Haim had been suffering from flu-like symptoms and had been taking both over-the-counter and prescription medication prior to his death.

Haim starred in a number of films with fellow teen idol, Corey Feldman, and the pair recently appeared on the short-lived reality show "The Two Coreys."

Almost 20 years ago to the day he died, a teenage Haim admitted to the New York press that he had a drug problem.

At only 16, he described going cold turkey from drugs saying, "It's scary to come back down," but "it's something I just had to do."

He first came clean about his drug problems to TV talk show host Arsenio Hall: "As far as it goes, it's the crowd you hang out with. I wasn't speaking to my mom, I hadn't gone to school in four and a half months."

Haim got his first major acting break on the CBC series "Edison Twins" at the age of 12.

Other credits during his teen years include: "Murphy's Romance," "Dream a Little Dream," "License to Drive," and "Watchers."

He recently appeared in "Crank: High Voltage" and had a small role in "Lost Boys: The Tribe" -- the sequel to one of his most well-known roles in the 1987's "The Lost Boys."

According to IMDB.com, he was linked to six films in various states of pre-production and was filming "The Dead Sea."
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PostSubject: Re: Corey Haim   Corey Haim Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 8:43 pm

Ooh that tragic news - i loved him in that film "The Lost Boys" he was a great actor wll certianly be missed.

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PostSubject: Re: Corey Haim   Corey Haim Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:57 pm

Rest in peace Corey!
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PostSubject: Re: Corey Haim   Corey Haim Icon_minitime

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