Like Steph said gettin rid of some of the rules or makin the rules slacker won't make much difference apart from givin spammer's etc space to make things harder.
I may have let this forum down quite a bit in terms of how things are run & i will re-do the rules & change a few minor things but they won't be a big change in rules - i may reduce the number of posts needed to plug your website but i won't remove that rule tottally as i think it's important to have so many posts before you can plug your site because otherwise members will be just comin on to post there site then leave.
Onto the theme part - i've changed this theme a few times, i know don't change it alot but yeah no matter how much you change a theme it doesn't really make a difference as like Steph said it's the content within the forum that attracts member's and there needs to be alot more new discussion's opened.
If anyone is interested in designin a theme for the forum like yourself Billie i wouldnt mind at all - just send me the links to the logo's, icon's etc.
Im interested in what you said Steph on the addin other "Mj Unrelated" content - ideas on what most people are interested in would be great for that
Anyway i will look into another theme - but like i said anyone interested in designin a theme for the forum, let me know.
Kind regards,