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 New catergories/forums?

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Smooth Criminal
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PostSubject: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 12:14 am

Anyone think we should add new catergories/forums? if you have any ideas just post here clearly statin what sort of forum/catergory you would like & we will see what we can do.

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 1:03 pm

Hi! I was just thinking about the forum and though what happened to it? When I came to this website it was a lot more active and people even asked me why am I not logging it more often - so I decided I should do it! I think we must make a massive change of the forum and maybe attract more people to register and members to be more active! An idea of the whole thing came up to me - we might make a brand new theme, logos (for the welcoming logo and the one that says "who is on line") change the pictures of michael everywhere like for example the ones that say if there is a new topic in the forum! Everything must be changed so that next time someone comes to the forum he says "Waw, I love this place maybe i should register and see what happens"! We can all take part in that for the good of the forum! And also I didn't really wanted to change that but I just have to suggest it - I think we need less rules, because as I've seen a lot of people start posting stuff without having enough posts and when someone tells them they've done something wrong they start thinking "I don't want to go there - people are mean"! I'm not sure about that one I'm just suggesting! So yes - more contests if more active members cuz the same people are loging in and the rest are just registering without even loging in once!

And btw most of the other forums I've seen have like 10 members or so! We have a lot more! - This thing happened at school with one of the study clubs so I suggested the same thing and the change in the decoration and everything attracted people to give it a try and once they did they saw what's inside and liked it!
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 1:55 pm

the rule one...esp for the pluggin' forums are like that to stop people joining the site and just posting their forum/site then never coming back...a lot of sites ask that you have so many posts to advertise with them, i know this as i spent alot of time doing it for another forum (as ian will know).
the rules are there to make the forum better....and to protect the members.
So getting rid of some the rules isn't going to help that much as it may cause more problems with spammers and trolls....maybe a re-work of the rules might work out better.

The theme idea fair enough but that may only work for a little bit, it'll bring people in to have a look with liking the look of the forum, however its the actual forums that keep people interested....i think that maybe having more "live" topics in the other forums not just the MJ related ones will help, or adding some new MJ unrelated topics...as people have more than just MJ that they like and are interested in.....
I haven't throught in how to do that yet or what might interest people....
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 9:53 pm

What I meant was that the forum is great but when someone visits it he don't know that right? Something must attract him. So I though we could change the theme and make it work for us but I never said we'll do it once. We can change it every one or two months and maybe there should be people who's job is to make theme and the logos and other people who send welcoming messeges to each new member! Every person has a different job and that's how everyone keeps busy and surprised and that's how the forum keeps on changing!
About the rules bit - i think re-doing some of them is fine! If the changes don't work we can think of something else i'm sure! There are some people that are really good at designing stuff and some that make very good poems that could work in a way!
When i saw there are moderators here i though designing is one of their jobs-making new, modern things for the forum, maybe inventing stuff and suggesting the ideas to the admins!
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 9:54 pm

Like Steph said gettin rid of some of the rules or makin the rules slacker won't make much difference apart from givin spammer's etc space to make things harder.

I may have let this forum down quite a bit in terms of how things are run & i will re-do the rules & change a few minor things but they won't be a big change in rules - i may reduce the number of posts needed to plug your website but i won't remove that rule tottally as i think it's important to have so many posts before you can plug your site because otherwise members will be just comin on to post there site then leave.

Onto the theme part - i've changed this theme a few times, i know don't change it alot but yeah no matter how much you change a theme it doesn't really make a difference as like Steph said it's the content within the forum that attracts member's and there needs to be alot more new discussion's opened.

If anyone is interested in designin a theme for the forum like yourself Billie i wouldnt mind at all - just send me the links to the logo's, icon's etc.

Im interested in what you said Steph on the addin other "Mj Unrelated" content - ideas on what most people are interested in would be great for that Smile

Anyway i will look into another theme - but like i said anyone interested in designin a theme for the forum, let me know.

Kind regards,

Ian Smile
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Smooth Criminal
Twisted Soul
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 10:00 pm

Billie Jean Beauty Queen wrote:
When i saw there are moderators here i though designing is one of their jobs-making new, modern things for the forum, maybe inventing stuff and suggesting the ideas to the admins!

We have no designers for the forum as yet.... i will post a new topic advertisin a designer postion on the forum, so anyone interested can put there name down.

I've been thinkin also, concernin moderators - they will be a bit of a turn around in terms of who moderators what... i will be leavin a topic in the staff section which i would like all moderators to read, failure to do so will result in your postion being took away....
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PostSubject: Re: New catergories/forums?   New catergories/forums? Icon_minitime

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