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Smooth Criminal
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PostSubject: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 9:37 pm

Okay so for some time i've always thought that we are not alone in this universe & always thought those things people call "aliens" do actually excist & recently i've been readin alot more into it (sad i know) but it is very very interestin & i truly believe that if somehow were here in this universe why can't other alien forms be within us.

Browsin some forum's & readin a few people's experiences is really quite strange but really does make you think what's out there. None of it scares me in the least, i'd love to experience seein such thing's as a UFO and so on but up until this day i havnt saw such things but that dusnt mean i don't think they exist because i do.

I know some people may laugh and some people may think it's insane but what does everyone on this forum think about this? do you believe were not alone, or do you just think it's complete nonsense?

Anyone's welcome to input there opinion on this i would be really interested in what everyone else thinks on this topic Question

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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 1:16 am

There might be a sourse of life in a far away galaxy, but you never know.

I believe in this and so do my friends.
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 7:59 am

My thinking on this is we only know tiny bit of what's out in space which is the part that makes up our solar system...so theres a damn site more that we know nothing about what so ever..that along with the bit of what we know about our own solar system.

i don't believe that we are the only planet with something living on it...fair enough i don't believe they look like the sterotype alien that most people seem to think they must look like...for all we know it could be something the size of on ant.
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 8:06 pm

I think there are other forms of life in this universe as some things have no explanation to me like the pyramids for example or them crop circles that can't be done by a human or machine. The movie "Signs" convinced me too! I wish we could understand because it is really interesting! I love to believe in magic even that I know most of it is nonsense so why not believe in aliens! Yes, I think there are aliens! xd (that last sentence sounds funny)
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 8:58 pm

I also stick to the idea that aliens exist somewhere in the universe. There are many people who saw UFOs or came into contact with them. It can't be only their imagination. Moreover, many strange things happen on the Earth and some of them can't be explained by the scientists. Shocked
I am fond of films about aliens. I've got all "Alien" series and "Predator" series. They are my favourite. I am always impressed by the special efects and the scary creatures. And I always wonder how people can make them up.
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Smooth Criminal
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 9:27 pm

That's one of the reason i do think they excist as like you said, those people who claim they have experienced being abducted or seein a UFO, it can't be just there imagination... i know some people are nuts, but when you have literally 1000's even millions i guess claimin they have in sometime in there life experienced alien abduction... you can't say there all makin it up can ya really? ...Then there's all these secret bases like "area 51" and so on... are the miltary tryin to cover things up so the whole nation doesn't go into panic? I guess we will never know anythin for certain till us ourselves have experienced seein a UFO or being abducted.

The other day i was reading about the world ending in 2012 on september 21st (i think was the date) dunno if anyone here has read it yet... but apprently some say it's gonna be an alien invasion - To be honest this particular thing i think is total rubbish as how many times have they said the world's gonna end & were still here, obviously the world might end one day but i don't think it's gonna happen on a particualar day... it could end tomorrow who knows.

But anyway i've read alot of stories where like EI has stated many people have claimed to have come into contact with them and so on which i find really interestin because i doubt anyone would make such a thing up.

And those films you mention EI are great... i've also been watchin the programmes on tv recently to do with Alien abduction's and so on... only the other week there was a programme on called "Danny Dyer's... I believe in aliens." which was interestin to say the least.

Anyway like you said Billie it is really interestin & im glad you lot have shared your opinions.
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 7:58 am

I don't believe the world is going on a set date....it will end one day but i doubt very much it will be in our lifetime, and i def don't think it'll be cause of a alien invasion...
it could from anything like being hit by something (big bang theory)

As for area 51 it was meant to of been set up after roswell which to me has they found something.....but no-one has yet confirmed whether area 51 actually exists, you can't get close enough to where it should be to be able to see anything.

I'm in 2 minds about the claims that some people make about being contact with aliens, it just that a lot of the claims are some what far fetched.
Not saying that maybe known of them are true, there has to be some truth in some of them.
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 4:27 pm

scientists have found living life on mars.
its bacteria like form wows the people who ''dont believe''
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PostSubject: Re: Aliens...   Aliens... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 9:25 pm

Thought i would post a few videos on ufo sigtings....

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