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 16 Nowhere to Run

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The Mad Hatter's Wife
The Mad Hatter's Wife

Posts : 524
Join date : 2009-10-14
Age : 41
Location : With The Mad Hatter in Wonderland

16 Nowhere to Run Empty
PostSubject: 16 Nowhere to Run   16 Nowhere to Run Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2010 1:49 am

The Main Characters
Michael: Michael Jackson
Michaela LiDeo: Me
Michaela's father, Frankie LiDeo: Joseph Frank "Joe" Pesci
Michael's first son, Prince Jackson: Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.
Michael's first daughter, Paris Jackson: Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Michael's second son, Blanket Jackson: Prince Michael Jackson II

The LiDeo Family
Michaela's mother, Michaele LiDeo: Terri Irwin
Michaela's twin sister, Gwyndolyna LiDeo: Rolanda
Gwyndolyna's boyfriend, Gwydon Bridgeleigh: Geoff
Michaela's younger brother, Christopher LiDeo July 19, 1999 11 years old
Michaela's younger brother, Demetrius LiDeo June 25, 2001 9 years old

The Quadruplets March 20, 2002 8 year olds
Michaela's younger sister, Angelica LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Hyacinth LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Lavender LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Marigold LiDeo

The Septuplets September 17, 2003 7 year olds
Michaela's younger brother, Brandon LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Bronson LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Coleman LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Delbert LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Jasmine LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Sampson LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Verbena LiDeo

The Quintuplets April 20, 2004 6 year olds
Michaela's younger sister, Dahlia LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Flower LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Laurel LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Stefan LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Violet LiDeo

The Sextuplets May 25, 2005 5 year olds
Michaela's younger brother, Brock LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Bruce LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Bruno LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Clint LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Colin LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Vince LiDeo

The Octuplets May 26, 2005 5 year olds
Michaela's younger sister, Calla LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Daisy LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Flora LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Holly LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Lilac LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Pansy LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Poppy LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Tulip LiDeo

The Octuplets February 13, 2006 4 year olds
Michaela's younger brother, Amos LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Cain LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Cody LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Duke LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Judd LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Kurt LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Nick LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Thor LiDeo

The Septuplets February 14, 2006 4 year olds
Michaela's younger sister, Fern LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Iris LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Lily LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Posy LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Rose LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Sage LiDeo
Michaela's younger sister, Vine LiDeo

The Triplets August 29, 2007 3 year olds
Michaela's younger brother, Ben LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Jed LiDeo
Michaela's younger brother, Zeb LiDeo
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