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 apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 10:43 am

apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Moz-screenshot-4apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Jackson5_2afro WHO IS YOU'RE FAVORITE Question Question afro
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 9:11 pm

I would say apart from Michael - Marlon! He looks great and has been very close friend to Michael all along! I like him, yes Marlon definitely! I hate Jermaine! So rude, always trying to compete with Michael!
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 11:42 pm

My favorite is Jackie.
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Smooth Criminal
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 1:47 pm

I like Jermaine - i suppose alot fo siblings compete to be better then the other? but yh i do like Marlon as well.
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen

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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 4:35 pm

I meant that when they were little and Jermaine was the lead singer, Michael replaced him! And Jermaine said it was allright but all of them saw it wasn't - Jermaine was feeling left out and that is why all his life he was striking to be better then Michael! You can even notice that in Jermaine's solo album which he did when he stayed at Motown when The Jacksons went to CBS. Of course his album wasn't a huge success and he couldn't even get close to Michael's sales and performances.
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2010 12:30 pm

randy,jackie and marlon
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 9:33 pm

HI pll plz check out my J5 site LINK REMOVED it has pic and a forum
& my favs r ( apart from mike) marlon and randy
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 11, 2010 1:41 pm

Marlon,Jackie,Tito there ma favourite but MJ is first in everything Mj rest in perfect peace
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 3:22 pm

Jermaine, Michael, Marlon, Tito, and Randy are my favorite singers in the Jackson 5.
Jackson 5 is my favorite era because I could understand what the words meant to me. I could sing along and be happy. My favorite song is All I do is think of you. Monanica Debbs.
Very Happy Very Happy moonwalk
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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Empty
PostSubject: Re: apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?   apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5? Icon_minitime

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apart from Michael who is you fav member of the J5?
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