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 Why is it so hard to say goodbye?

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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 6:27 am

This is so hard for me to type, too....

-regains composure- My grandpa has passed.

He was possibly the most amazing person I have ever met... He lived with Fatty Liver disease for 3 years, and had just gotten his new liver less than a month ago, while having his transplant, he had a stroke. And when I was at the hospital on December 23, I kept on having this strange feeling....

I now dedicate this song for my grandpa, for going to the Olympic Star (a restaurant) and buying me breakfast, telling him stories before he went to sleep, for being my special grandpa...

RIP my angel, your in no more pain...

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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 9:40 am

So sorry to hear of your loss, i can only imagine what your going through, i lost my Nanna a few years ago & i loved my nanna & i don't think i ever took it in properly i didnt know what i was supposed to do, i didn't go to her funeral as i never go to any as there to upsettin but anyway everyone deals with things in there own way & i hope you cope & deal with it better then most... & long may your grandpa rest in piece.

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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 12:23 pm

im so sorry for your loss

its hard to say goodbye , but this is life , always hard

hope your doing well, and RIP to your grandpa
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Billie Jean Beauty Queen
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 5:08 pm

I'm very sorry for your grandpa! I know what it is you feel because I've lost both my grandfathers (sorry if I spelled that wrong)! Hope you're doing well! RIP !
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 5:42 pm

Its never an easy thing saying goodbye...i've been down that road one too many times, the last one being my nan in 2006...she had a terimal brain tumour that she'd been fighting since the start of that year she passed away on mine and Lee's wedding day and our eldest 1st birthday.
It was difficult to get my head round it but i looked at it as she was out of pain and finally at peace.
It doesn't go away just gets easier to cope with....the closer you are to the person the longer it'll take.

So sorry for your loss.
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 8:58 pm

I am so sorry for your loss. It is terrible when you have to part with people who are very dear to you. My grandmother and my father died when I was about your age and this year I've lost my aunt. I hope you will be alright. May your grandpa rest in peace.
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 6:09 am

sorry for hearing that...
i know thats its hard Sad
rest in peace
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 11:02 pm

We had the funeral yesterday... he had a special one, since he fought in the Vietnam war and lived (he was in the air force)

Coolest experience ever c: Watching the American flag folding and the 3 gunshots at the roof, but we were outside and it was very cold Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 4:23 pm

saying goodbye to anything is hard, but remember that he is in the afterlife. i cant think how depressing it is because my grampa died before i was born. RIP
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PostSubject: Re: Why is it so hard to say goodbye?   Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Icon_minitime

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