A blind man was took to the airport one saturday morning and took a flight to Texas.
When he reached Texas he sat on the taxi and said:" Wow, this seat is huge!"
The taxi driver replied:" Of course. Everything is big in Texas."
Then the taxi driver brought the blind man to the hotel to have lunch.
When the food came, the blind man felt it and said:" Woahhh, this "Fish and Chips" are really big."
Then the waiter replied:" Well, like they always say, everything is big in Texas!"
After lunch, the blind man had an urge to go to the loo, so he ask the accountant where it was.
" Turn left, go straight, turn to your right and there you are!"
So the blind man happily walked to the toilet.
But... the accountant forgot that the toilet is renovating!
The blind man walked the directions the woman gave and was heading to a window.
The man flew out of the window, bump the sunburn chair and into the pool.
Then the man said:
" Please wait! Dont flush the toilet! "