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 'New' Jackson 5 single released

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'New' Jackson 5 single released Empty
PostSubject: 'New' Jackson 5 single released   'New' Jackson 5 single released Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2009 10:39 pm

A previously unreleased song by the Jackson 5 - featured on a forthcoming album of unheard tracks and rarities - has been made available to download.

That's How Love Is can now be purchased from the iTunes online store as fans mark the group's 40th anniversary.

Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael made their Motown debut this week in 1969 with the release of their smash hit single I Want You Back.

The album - I Want You Back! Unreleased Masters - will be out on 10 November.

It features 12 unreleased recordings that include alternate versions of such well-known hits as Never Can Say Goodbye and ABC.

The disc also features a rendition of Stevie Wonder's Buttercup that was announced in 1974 but never released.


"We're thrilled to have the opportunity to bring these exciting recordings to the public in such a special package," said Bruce Resnikoff of Universal Music Enterprises.

Tito Jackson is supporting Gladys Knight on her eight-date UK tour
"We are amazed by the quality, and we know the many Michael Jackson fans all over the world will be too."

Tito Jackson paid tribute to his late brother Michael at the Manchester Evening News Arena on Tuesday, singing a medley of Jackson 5 hits in his memory.

The 55-year-old, who is supporting Gladys Knight on her UK tour, said he had had "the blues" since his sibling's death in June.

Accompanied by their cousin Nicole, Tito sang several numbers including I Want You Back, ABC and Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground).

"We all have a little blues in our lives," he said. "I definitely have the blues, having lost so much in my life and now my brother."
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